


28 / 39146 files match, 19 filtered matches.


6854 |         void* voidptr;
6855 |     } funky = {.initialize = NULL };
6856 | 
6857 |     void *handle = dlopen(soname, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL);
6858 |     if (handle == NULL) {
6859 |         const char *msg = dlerror();


28 |         void* voidptr;
29 |     } my_create = {.create = NULL };
30 | 
31 |     handle = dlopen(soname, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL);
32 |     if (handle == NULL) {
33 |         const char *msg = dlerror();


829 |     }
830 | 
831 |     //load test_suite
832 |     void* handle = dlopen(test_suite, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL);
833 |     if (handle == NULL) {
834 |         const char *msg = dlerror();


1 | #define DLFCN_H
2 | void* dlopen(const char* path, int mode);
3 | void* dlsym(void* handle, const char* symbol);
4 | int dlclose(void* handle);


9 |  */
10 | static bool self = false;
11 | 
12 | void* dlopen(const char* path, int mode) {
13 |     if (path == NULL) {
14 |         // We don't support opening ourself


85 |       plugin_name_(plugin_name),
86 |       file_name_(file_name) {
87 | #ifndef _WIN32
88 |   impl_->handle = dlopen(file_name.c_str(), RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_LAZY);
89 |   if (impl_->handle == nullptr) {
90 |     throw std::runtime_error("Could not load plugin file: " + file_name +


83 | Loader::PluginInfo::Impl::Impl(const std::string &plugin_folder,
84 |                                const std::string &library_name)
85 |     : path(Path::make_path(plugin_folder, library_name, "so")),
86 |       handle(dlopen(path.c_str(), RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_NOW)) {
87 |   if (handle == nullptr) throw bad_plugin(dlerror());
88 | }


6948 |         void* voidptr;
6949 |     } funky = {.initialize = NULL };
6950 | 
6951 |     void *handle = dlopen(soname, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL);
6952 |     if (handle == NULL) {
6953 |         const char *msg = dlerror();


29 |         void* voidptr;
30 |     } my_create = {.create = NULL };
31 | 
32 |     handle = dlopen(soname, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL);
33 |     if (handle == NULL) {
34 |         const char *msg = dlerror();


804 |     }
805 | 
806 |     //load test_suite
807 |     void* handle = dlopen(test_suite, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL);
808 |     if (handle == NULL) {
809 |         const char *msg = dlerror();


1 | #define DLFCN_H
2 | void* dlopen(const char* path, int mode);
3 | void* dlsym(void* handle, const char* symbol);
4 | int dlclose(void* handle);


9 |  */
10 | static bool self = false;
11 | 
12 | void* dlopen(const char* path, int mode) {
13 |     if (path == NULL) {
14 |         // We don't support opening ourself


164 | 
165 |   @param mysql          MYSQL structure (for error reporting)
166 |   @param plugin         plugin to install
167 |   @param dlhandle       a handle to the shared object (returned by dlopen)
168 |                         or 0 if the plugin was not dynamically loaded
169 |   @param argc           number of arguments in the 'va_list args'
464 |   /* Compile dll path */
465 |   strxnmov(dlpath, sizeof(dlpath) - 1, plugindir, "/", name, SO_EXT, NullS);
466 | 
467 |   DBUG_PRINT("info", ("dlopeninig %s", dlpath));
468 |   /* Open new dll handle */
469 |   if (!(dlhandle = dlopen(dlpath, RTLD_NOW))) {
470 | #if defined(__APPLE__)
471 |     /* Apple supports plugins with .so also, so try this as well */
472 |     strxnmov(dlpath, sizeof(dlpath) - 1, plugindir, "/", name, ".so", NullS);
473 |     if ((dlhandle = dlopen(dlpath, RTLD_NOW))) goto have_plugin;
474 | #endif
475 | 
484 | #else
485 |     errmsg = dlerror();
486 | #endif
487 |     DBUG_PRINT("info", ("failed to dlopen"));
488 |     goto err;
489 |   }


111 | #endif
112 | 
113 |     /* Open library. */
114 |     void *handle = dlopen(file_name.c_str(), RTLD_NOW);
115 |     if (handle == NULL) {
116 |       return true;


1319 | MY_LOCALE *my_default_lc_messages;
1320 | MY_LOCALE *my_default_lc_time_names;
1321 | 
1322 | SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_symlink, have_dlopen, have_query_cache;
1323 | SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_geometry, have_rtree_keys;
1324 | SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_compress;
9029 | 
9030 |   have_symlink = SHOW_OPTION_YES;
9031 | 
9032 |   have_dlopen = SHOW_OPTION_YES;
9033 | 
9034 |   have_query_cache = SHOW_OPTION_NO;


5347 |     "have_compress", "have_compress",
5348 |     READ_ONLY NON_PERSIST GLOBAL_VAR(have_compress), NO_CMD_LINE);
5349 | 
5350 | static Sys_var_have Sys_have_dlopen(
5351 |     "have_dynamic_loading", "have_dynamic_loading",
5353 | 
5354 | static Sys_var_have Sys_have_geometry(


491 | /* optional things, have_* variables */
492 | extern SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_profiling;
493 | 
494 | extern SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_symlink, have_dlopen;
495 | extern SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_query_cache;
496 | extern SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_geometry, have_rtree_keys;


272 |       char dlpath[FN_REFLEN];
273 |       strxnmov(dlpath, sizeof(dlpath) - 1, opt_plugin_dir, "/", tmp->dl, NullS);
274 |       (void)unpack_filename(dlpath, dlpath);
275 |       if (!(dl = dlopen(dlpath, RTLD_NOW))) {
276 |         const char *errmsg;
277 |         int error_number = dlopen_errno;
278 |         DLERROR_GENERATE(errmsg, error_number);
279 | 
636 |     strxnmov(dlpath, sizeof(dlpath) - 1, opt_plugin_dir, "/", udf->dl, NullS);
637 |     (void)unpack_filename(dlpath, dlpath);
638 | 
639 |     if (!(dl = dlopen(dlpath, RTLD_NOW))) {
640 |       const char *errmsg;
641 |       int error_number = dlopen_errno;
642 |       DLERROR_GENERATE(errmsg, error_number);
643 | 
644 |       DBUG_PRINT("error", ("dlopen of %s failed, error: %d (%s)", udf->dl,
645 |                            error_number, errmsg));
646 |       my_error(ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY, MYF(0), udf->dl, error_number, errmsg);


669 |   plugin_dl.ref_count = 1;
670 |   /* Open new dll handle */
671 |   mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_plugin);
672 |   if (!(plugin_dl.handle = dlopen(dlpath, RTLD_NOW))) {
673 |     const char *errmsg;
674 |     int error_number = dlopen_errno;
675 |     /*
676 |       Conforming applications should use a critical section to retrieve